Today, with the trend of globalization, economic development, global knowledge integration, the demand for studying abroad is increasing at all levels. However, to choose a country that suits you, the future career orientation of international students is a difficult choice, requiring careful consideration from students and families. Therefore, study abroad consulting companies were born and developed very quickly to be able to support international students and families to learn and choose about the school and country they will study. To develop their companies, overseas study abroad consulting companies are always looking for ways to expand markets, bring students to countries or expand branches, to reach more families who intend to send their children to study abroad. According to Vietnamese law, foreign study abroad consulting services are conditional business services, therefore, many foreign study abroad consulting companies face difficulties in opening more branches, the following, Siglaw would like to give some advice in establishing a branch of a foreign study abroad consulting company in Vietnam:
What is a corporate branch?
According to Clause 1, Article 44, Enterprise Law 2020, a branch is a dependent unit of an enterprise, tasked with performing all or part of the enterprise’s functions, including the function of authorized representative. The branch’s line of business must be consistent with the business line of the enterprise. Company branches do not have legal status.
Therefore, the prerequisite of establishing a branch of a foreign study abroad consulting company is that the company has an enterprise registration certificate.
Dossier of establishment of a branch of a foreign study abroad consulting company in Vietnam
When there is a need to establish a branch of a foreign study abroad consulting company, your company or enterprise needs to send a notice of branch establishment to the Business Registration Office where the branch or representative office is located. The notification must include such things as:
- Information about foreign study abroad consulting companies such as: enterprise code; name and address of the head office of the enterprise;
- Information about the branch intended to be established such as: branch name, branch address intended to be established; contents and scope of operation of the branch;
- Tax registration information;
- Full name, residential address, identification document number of the head of the branch of the foreign study abroad consulting company;
- Full name and signature of the legal representative of the foreign study abroad consulting company.
- Copies of resolutions, decisions and plate copies of contracts of the Members’ Council (for companies in the form of limited liability companies with 2 or more members, partnerships), the Board of Directors (for companies in the form of joint stock companies) or resolutions and decisions of the company owner (for companies in the form of one-member limited liability companies).
After preparing all valid documents, you can submit the application at the Business Registration Office at the place where the branch of the foreign study abroad consulting company is located. After 03 working days from the submission of the application, the Enterprie Registration Office will issue the Certificate of branch operation registration in case the application is valid or issue a written amendment and supplementation of the dossier in case the application is invalid.
Procedures for applying for a certificate of business registration of study abroad consulting services
Overseas study abroad consultancy is a conditional business line, therefore, when establishing a branch of a foreign study abroad consulting company, enterprises need to apply for a study abroad consulting license at the Department of Education and Training where the branch provides study abroad consulting services, including the following conditions:
Regarding business and activities: both companies and branches of foreign study abroad consulting companies must register their professions and professions “study abroad consultancy” in the business establishment registration certificate and company branches.
Regarding human resources: the branch’s study abroad consultants must also meet the level 4 foreign language proficiency and have a study abroad consultant certificate in accordance with the law.
Above are our advice to establish a branch of a foreign study abroad consulting company in Vietnam. If you have any questions. If you have any questions related to the establishment and operation of a branch of a foreign study abroad consulting company in Vietnam, please contact Siglaw Law Firm Limited for our most detailed answers!
For more information, please contact:
Phone: (+84) 961 366 238
Headquarters: No.44/A32, Gleximco A, Le Trong Tan street, An Khanh, Hoai Duc, Ha Noi.
Southern branch: No. 99 Cong Hoa, Ward 04, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City.
Central branch: 177 Trung Nu Vuong, Hai Chau District, Da Nang City